N3BYR Node Shortcuts Sheet The N3BYR Node is running BPQ32 by G8BPQ and has several modules and add-ons set. CHAT, BBS, DIGI, RMS/CMS, RMS Relay, Internet Web Access (WEB), and bridged to the local AREDN Mesh Network via Internet (If the internet is down, AREDN is OFFLINE). This node is hosted, owned, operated by Greg N3BYR. During ARES activations and exercises, this node has PRIORITY to ARES traffic. A PL Tone MAY be ACTIVE during ARES use.... The Station sits in the S-W corner of Warner Robins, GA (Grid EM82dn86) with the antenna at an elevation of 45' and running a minimum power of 50 watts. Max station power for the node is 100 watts on special situations only. The Antenna is a stacked 5/8-wave vertical with ~8.7dBi Gain - Output is ~325 watts ERIP at 50w TX power and ~650 watts ERIP at 100w TX power. During Severe Weather in the local area - OR - during periods of expected Severe Weather the main tower is furloughed (Folded to the ground) and the reserve antenna is used. This reserve antenna is at 20' elevation with a ~8.7dBi Gain. The active beacon on the node will include information to signify WX status, Normal or Severe. BBS Node : N3BYR-1 N3BYR-1 is set up to handle BBS and Personal direct node email. If you and another user are on the node and already set up, you simply need to send a message using "SP CallSign" to send out a message. The BBS can also handle retrieval and sending emails externally through the Winlink2K system. YOU MUST SET YOUR WINLINK PASSWORD ON THE BBS NODE!!! Check the menu options using "?" for setting your passwords. To send emails outside of the Winlink System you must address the email to RMS like the below example: SP RMS:greg@n3byr.com After typing the above in the BBS and hitting return, the remainder will be the same format (Subject, message, use /ex, and done). Sending email from the BBS to a winlink system address please use the below: SP N3BYR@winlink.org To access and retrieve emails from the Winlink2K system you will need to tell the system your password using "CMSPASS password" where password is your Winlink account password. After telling the BBS the password you turn on email sync by using "POLLRMS enable" and turn it off by using "POLLRMS disable". The BBS only checks your winlink account when you are connected (According to the manual). DIGI N3BYR-7 The dash-seven SSID has everything is you connect to it directly, but this node is intended for Digipeating as a primary use. You can get a menu after connecting to dash seven by typing "?" and then select your options, use connect to connect to another station that is within reach of the N3BYR node. For Digipeating THROUGH N3BYR please visit the BPQ32 site for how to use digipeat - Its not the same as most common Digipeaters. RMS Gateway N3BYR-10 The RMS Gateway for Winlink mail. Use Winlink Express or your chosen winlink application to get and send winlink mail and external mail. NOTE: If N3BYR-10 loses Internet, my node stores emails in an offline mode and delivers them as soon as the internet returns. You must first log into the BBS SSID (N3BYR-1) and then send me a winlink.org email. I will turn on Winlink storage on the node for your call and let you know it's enabled, THIS IS NOT AUTOMATIC. Chat Room N3BYR-12 This SSID hosts a chatroom for multiple stations to chat, similar to an IRC chat room. All commands on dash-twelve require "/" before them. Use "/?" to get a list of commands once connected!