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Recipe for a Cubical Quad single-element – By Greg N3BYR

(Metric and Standard Measurements included!)


(The N3BYR PVC Cubical Quad 6-meter variant at the rotor level of my tower)


       This is an easy way to make a single element cubical quad for any band, for this example I will use 50.200Mhz. I recommend reading the entire piece before attempting to make the antenna, this makes the process flow smoother than just going to town willy-nilly. Before beginning construction, consider the polarization, planned use, and mounting methods to employ. If you are using the antenna for repeaters or require a vertical polarization you will need to pay close attention to the orientation of the feed point. Cubical antennas exhibit some higher gains over a dipole in ‘Isotropic’ conditions, those gains can be even higher over real ground but are not garunteed. Gains in Isotropic can be roughly 3.25dBi versus the ½ wave dipole at 2.15dBi. The Cubical Quad is a full wavelength antenna and presents a 100-ohm impedance at the feed point for a square antenna. The feed point will need to be matched to a 50-ohm feedline for a 1:1.5 or less SWR. Because the cubical quad is electrically short (closed), there is a small factor of noise reduction for your noise floors. Don’t be fooled by the math… it’s very simple, I promise!


Let’s start with constants in our example antenna:


              Speed of Light: 299,792,458 meters per second in a vacuum

              Frequency: 50,200,000 Hz (Note we are using Hz!)

              Meters to Feet: Multiple meters by 3.28

              *Velocity for matching coax: 0.66 or 66%


This example uses a piece of 75-ohm coax with a VF (Velocity Factor) of 0.66 or 66%, which is the penalty speed essentially that we need to know. This VF is only critical on the matching stub coax, and you must know the VF for the 75 ohm section of coax. For most foam dielectric coax the VF is in the 80% ballpark, solid dielectric is typically in the 60% ballpark.


For the main loop wire, there is typically ~95% velocity factor for wire. I have found with time that considering this velocity factor is moot. Calculating the wavelength for the main loop without the velocity factor will get you a little more length, which adds to wiggly room to tighten up the VSWRs if they are not acceptable. The thicker your main loop wire is, the more bandwidth you will see for good SWRs. Using 14ga wire versus using 8ga wire will provide more frequency range and provides more surface area. RF travels along the surface of a wire, not inside the wire.


We will do the very easy math below for our example antenna. We will calculate the loop total length, calculate each side, and determine our frame/support dimensions. You will likely need to google a triangle calculator to get the support lengths… there are many free triangle calculators on the web! You can use “” if the site exists when you are reading this. After we calculate the above, we will also calculate the ¼-wave matching stub for the 75-ohm coax. Then we will discuss polarization and orientation, and assembly of the parts.




The Math




Speed of light / Frequency in Hz = 1 wavelength loop in meters


299,792,458 / 50,200,000 = 5.972 meters (Ever wonder why its called ‘6 meters’?)




Convert meters to Feet


5.972 * 3.28 = 19.58816 (Don’t round this out just yet) Save this number! We need it still…


We know that its 19 feet, but to find the inches just multiply the decimal value by 12…


0.58816 * 12 = 7.05792 inches… let’s round up to the nearest 1/16th inch (0.0625): 7 1/16”


Our loop wire should start at 19 feet, 7 1/16 inches.



Find each side length


Take the total in decimal, this will make life easier, and divide by 4 and convert…


19.58816 / 4 = 4.89704 convert inches again (0.89704*12 = ~10.76 or 10 ¾ inches) = 4’ 10 ¾”


Save the number above in decimal… we will need it again soon!




Determine the frame/support arms needed


For this part we need to use a triangle calculator just to save time and energy! Because there is an easily identifiable triangle in this shape, and it’s a right angle, we can find the rest of the support needs quickly. Consider the 90-deg. angle in the center, and the 45-deg. angles on the ends, then calculate your triangle to get the length from the center to the point. Multiply this by 2 for a whole support. If you are using PVC like mine, you only need from center to point.


Chart, line chart

Description automatically generated


       Once you put in the equation to a triangle calculator, for this example you will find the center to point distance is ~3.406. For my antenna I rounded up to 3.5 feet (3’ 6”). You can double that to 7 feet if you are using two support rods. This will require a hole drilled in the support, or other way to fasten the wire to the support.


Polarization Considerations


       In the above diagram there are two possible feed points for the antenna. If the antenna is standing as shown supported at the bottom by mast or other method, the two feedpoints will provide the identified polarization. If the antenna is laying flat (horizontal), regardless of where the antenna feed point is located, the antenna will exhibit a horizontal polarization. Also with the antenna flat, the radiation pattern will be relatively unidirectional. If the antenna is upright like the diagram, the lobes will be to the front and back, like a dipole radiation pattern.


The Matching Stub


       Because a cubical quad antenna produces a 100-ohm impedance, it needs to be matched for a 50-ohm feedline. The simplest way to do this without a 2:1 balun is a single piece of 75-ohm coax that is equal to the electrical length of ¼ wave. The velocity factor of the coax must be considered for the proper length. We already determined the non-corrected ¼ wavelength above when we determined that each side of the loop needs to be 4.89704 feet! So all we need to do now is determine the velocity factor, and correct the length. In this example we are using coax with a 0.66 VF, make sure you know the VF for your 75-ohm coax! Here is the last of the maths


¼ wavelength * Velocity Factor = Matching coax stub length


4.89704 * 0.66 = 3.232 (We can round up to 3.25 safely) 3 feet and 3 inches



       The matching 75-ohm coax goes at the feed point of the antenna to connect to the 50-ohm coax feedline to the radio… that’s it! Now assemble what you need for parts and wire, and build a cubical quad antenna.


Future Considerations


       A cubical quad single element is a neat antenna and can be built to where it can be disassembled for easy transport of SOTA, POTA, Field Day, or other excursions with your radio gear! It will also get you just slightly higher gains than a simple dipole, and reduce some of the noise floor due to being an electrically short antenna. This is also a building block for a Cubical Quad beam antenna, and I might write another article to describe how to build cubical beam. I have made several in the past and they are very effective! Another consideration is you can ‘Nest’ multiple cubical antennas inside each other with less loss on gain than other style antennas. Consider making a 6-meter single element, and nest 2-meter, 1.35-meter (220), or 70cm cubical within the same support.


73’s de N3BYR!


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